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A Walk in Spring!

Since returning to school after mid-term break there is no denying that Spring is most definitely upon us! We have been enjoying the beautiful sunny weather and blue skies every day in school and no doubt at home. Today we made the most of the sunshine and decided to go on a nature walk around the school and church grounds.

Working in pairs we had a checklist where we kept record of all of the signs of Spring that we encountered. We were mindful to use all of senses to truly appreciate all of the beautiful signs of nature around us. We were all very excited to spot some of the trees, flowers and insects that we had discussed previously in class, when we went exploring outside.

When we got back to class we all shared with each other what we discovered! Next week we will continue to learn about plants and flowers, studying the parts of the plant and flower and the function of each part. We will also learn about what plants need to grow and survive. We will plant our own seeds to test these ideas for ourselves!


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